Lead singer Ritchie Young of Loch Lomond
Melophobe has posted RBM's second review of performances at Pickathon, a roots music festival that drew hundreds of bluegrass, folk rock, and honky-tonk fans to a grassy hillside in Happy Valley, Ore. this month. Look for more top-flight photography from Melophobe first officer Joshua Bean, and an interview with Portland chamber-pop ensemble Loch Lomond. We hear about confusion over how to pronounce the band's name and news of a fall tour with The Decemberists.

Crooked Still rocking Pickathon's Mountain View Stage
Here's a sample of Melophobe's earlier team coverage:
It's past noon on Saturday, and hundreds of roots music fans have spent a mosquito-riddled, sleepless night in Oregon farm country for the Pickathon Music Festival. They have traveled here along rivers and across state lines, past the Franz bread outlet ("80 percent off!") and a yellow, squarish building labeled Tommy's Too ("Dancers!"). They have wolfed down plates of fried zucchini and hummus, and they have convinced their toddlers that something called Toddler Camp, down by the barns, is super cool. These fans are now stepping past hula hoops and piles of horse shit, and they look ready for a small reward.Read more reviews of live music at Melophobe.
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